OfficeServTM 7400 Ready for tomorrow NOW! OfficeServTM 7400 is the ideal solution for today's office and your future office offering enhanced communicaitons to handle increasing and evolving traffic patterns. Your OfficeServTM 7400 simultaneously supports tradintional voice communications, VoIP (Voice over IP), IP-based data communication, and wireless solutions through wireless LANs.
Substantial cost savings from all-in-one technology. Executive Advisors a San Diego, California Samsung Authorized Dealer Since 1997 has installed, tested and confirmed this product to deliver as described!
Feature Rich Funtionality
The needs of individual station users are usually different to some degree, and yoru OfficeServTM 7400 helps each of them personalize their station to maximize their productivity with those feature selections that serve them best. Up to 6 call forwarding options, caller ID on waiting calls, call overflow options, speed calling address books, call pickup options, and wireless service options are available. And to further conserve and utilize your system resources, you may also reuse many modules from previous Samsung systems after you upgrade.
Mobile Communication
Secure Wireless LAN liberates you from the confines of your office and also provides you with significant cost savings by eliminating needless voice and data cabling and maintenance expenses. With the versatile WIP-5000M Wireless IP Phone, and Samsung wireless Access Points, the OfficeServTM 7400 delivers full voice and data convergence, not just for yoru fixed wireline connections, but also within your corporate wireless LAN.